ACL festival in Taiwan to feature five Malaysian composers

The 2018 ACL Conference and Festival will take place from Oct 19 to 23 at Taipei, Taiwan.

On the programme are works by Malaysian composers Vivian Chua (photo), Adeline Wong, Ainolnaim Azizol, Wong Chee Wei and Young Composer Competition representative, Sabahan 28-year-old Rayner Naili.

Vivian CHUA (Malaysia): Mercu Kegemilangan

Chamber Music A (For 4-5 players)
Adeline WONG (Malaysia): Interweaves

Chamber Music B (For 1-3 players)
Chee Wei WONG (Malaysia): A Song In Vain IIn

Electroacoustics / Multimedia
Ainolnaim AZIZOL (Malaysia): Clouds

Young Composers Competition
Rainer Naili: Serpihan Mimpi for flute and violin

According to the organisers, the selection committee carefully selected 66 works out of 238 applications sent by the ACL member organizations.  The selected 66 works are from:

Australia: 3
Hong Kong: 8
Indonesia: 3
Israel: 5
Japan: 3
Korea: 7
Malaysia: 5
New Zealand: 4
Philippines:  3
Singapore: 7
Thailand: 1
Vietnam: 1

and 16 works from the host, Taiwan.

The full schedule and details are now on the festival website